TrustCloud VideoID Unassisted
Self-service video identification for the most digitized users


Constant Guiding
Despite not having the presence of an expert video agent, the unassisted sessions are also guaranteed by a subsequent back-office audit, which guarantees the validity and quality of the video identification carried out, as well as the legal value of the recorded evidence (in the event that local regulations require it).
TrustCloud VideoID’s unassisted modality further accelerates video identification processes thanks to its operational autonomy, and allows offering a self-service to the end user, available 24/7/365. In this sense, it is especially effective for the most digitized people and for the less complex verifications. In cases where the supervision of a video agent becomes necessary, such as in a risk session or due to usability problems on the part of the user, TrustCloud VideoID integrates one of the company’s professional video agents on-the-fly to assist the call and resolve all incidents.
VideoID Unassisted process, step by step
The customer connects to the video identification process by a private link or during the course of a digital transaction
The video calls platform works 24/7/365 automatically, so there is no need for a person in the company to manage the call
The service activates all the processes and the video call session starts
The system asks the user to take a photo of the front and back of their identity document, a selfie of their face and to carry out a proof of life. With the information collected, the system proceeds to the analysis of the document and the face match between the selfie and the photo of the document
After video identification, following events and services are activated
Qualified evidence is obtained by means of the API of the video platform, and notifications are sent to the customer about the approval of his/her identification
This evidence is stored securely (using physical and cryptographic measures) in the TrustCloud Quantum Vault architecture, and further notifications are sent to the customer
Benefits of VideoID Unassisted
TrustCloud unassisted video identification offers end users an autonomous, agile, simple, and highly available video identification, accessible from any device with an integrated camera and Internet connection. At the same time, unassisted video identification provides greater performance and competitiveness to the company, since it automates a next-generation identity verification process without losing the security, precision, and trust standards that they demand.
Works autonomously 24/7/365.
Helps companies save a great deal of time and resources by automating a crucial process.
Allows companies to design the security “layers” that each session will have, generating from simple identification processes to strong authentication sessions (SAS).
Accelerates the identification and verification processes by operating without a video agent and dispensing with appointments made between the parties.
When the situation requires it, unassisted video calls can be transformed on-the-fly into sessions assisted by an expert video agent.
Improves the user experience among the most digitized people and offers them an uninterrupted service on any of their preferred devices.